Catherine Jacobs

Living in Charleston, SC, Catherine Jacobs raised four children. For fourteen years, she worked as the Director of the Children and Family Ministry at St. Paul’s Church, Summerville. She loves having nine grandchildren! Number ten is due to arrive in early September. As Director of the Grandparenting Ministry at KidZ at Heart International, Catherine loves to teach grandparents around the world the ways of becoming a “Transformative Grandparent”. Catherine is a charter member of Legacy Coalition, a national organization for Christian grandparenting. Also, she is a founding member of Grandmas with Heart. Several years ago, she published her first book, Pass the Legacy: 7 Keys for Grandparents Making a Difference. One day she hopes to write children’s books in collaboration with her artist daughter, Carrie Davis. This “Nina” looks forward to retirement when she can spend endless hours reading Bible stories to her loved ones.
Articles by Catherine Jacobs

De-cluttering My Life for Christmas

“O come, let us adore Him ….” Christmas music greeted me in late November as I entered the grocery store.  I was shopping for my family Thanksgiving dinner.  As much as I delighted in these favorite songs, I was not ready to hear them. The key word is “ready”.  My mind was feasting on...

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Five Stages of God’s GRAND Vision for GRANDparenting

I cherish the memory of holding my oldest grandchild for the first time. Gazing into his sweet face twenty years ago, I vowed to be the best grandmother I could be.  After months of faithfully buying diapers on sale and delightfully babysitting, I wondered if I should do something more for...

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