Christian Grandparenting Network

Equipping grandparents to represent Christ to the Next generation.

Our VISION is to see grandparents worldwide engaged in passing a Christ-centered spiritual legacy shaped by a biblical worldview to their grandchildren and all future generations.

Our MISSION is to is to encourage, equip, and empower grandparents to pass a legacy of faith in Christ to future generations.


GrandCamp is a unique, grand faith adventure for grandparents and their grade-school age grandchildren focused on leaving a faith-legacy for the next generations. Through purposeful activities that grandparents and grandchildren experience together, to discovering from God’s Word what it means to walk in the truth, to building a treasure chest of life-changing memories—all in an environment that invites having a pile of fun—this will be a time for building memories that will last a lifetime! We also offer a single day Grand Day Out event for churches, as well as our Do-It-Yourself Field Guide for grandparents who would like to do their own family GrandCamp.

Recent Blog Posts

How Can I Know If I Am a Good Christian?

How Can I Know If I Am a Good Christian?

How Can I Know If I Am a Good Christian?
Since each of us may have different images or expectations around this question, we must first define the terms. According to, “good” means morally excellent, virtuous, righteous, pious; “Christian” is a person who believes in Jesus Christ with a life exemplified by His teachings. Thankfully, I can attest to my belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, but I’m unsure as to whether my daily life matches the four adjectives in that definition. Would regular Bible reading, tithing, praying, sharing the Gospel, visiting the ill, or supporting missionaries meet the requirements of being good? Read what God tells us.

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Five Stages of God’s GRAND Vision for GRANDparenting

Five Stages of God’s GRAND Vision for GRANDparenting

I cherish the memory of holding my oldest grandchild for the first time. Gazing into his sweet face twenty years ago, I vowed to be the best grandmother I could be.  After months of faithfully buying diapers on sale and delightfully babysitting, I wondered if I should do something more for this precious little boy.  

Most grandparents long to be good.  But if you study Scripture, you will see God has a deeper vision than   being “good”. Over the twenty years, my grandmother’s role has evolved as nine more grandchildren have filled my life.  In His graciousness, the Lord faithfully led me on a progressive journey of incrementally becoming the grandparent He designed.

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Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness

Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness

Goodness, the sixth characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23, ESV), is defined biblically as naturally doing good actions or a zealous activity to do good for another person’s benefit. As Christians we are called to live in a way that reflects the character of Christ and by actively doing good for others we show his love for them. When we strive to do good for our own benefit, it is not truly goodness that we possess. We are incapable of being or doing good on our own. It is the indwelling of the fruit of the Spirit that manifests itself from within our heart that the characteristic of goodness grows.

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