A Better Inheritance

by | Mar 1, 2021 | 1 comment

An ancient biblical proverb says: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” What kind of inheritance is worth leaving to my grandchildren that will make their lives more rich and full? Undoubtedly, such an inheritance involves more than money, houses, and land.

“A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.”

As grandparents, or future grandparents, we have been given a unique privilege and honor. We have the privilege of passing on to another generation an inheritance that will endure forever — an inheritance of truth and righteousness. But it is an inheritance that can only be passed on through honor and respect.

We live in desperate days when it is difficult to identify worthy role models for our children and grandchildren to imitate. Our nation, our churches, and our families face a crisis of leadership more severe than at any other time in our history. Moral reference points are being erased from memory while absolute truth is mocked and rejected. Self has been elevated above community. Liberty has given way to libertinism. Honor has been replaced by individual rights. Who are those who can step forward and stand in the gap for the sake of future generations? Is it possible that we, grandparents and elders, rather than youth, are the key to the future?

Sadly, there seems to be too few who care. Like the shepherds of Israel during Ezekiel’s time, there are too many who “only take care of themselves.” The place of honor has been forfeited for the comforts of retirement. Wisdom and understanding are too often exchanged for freedom from responsibility. Opportunities for building for the future are discarded in favor of attempts to preserve the past. The call is now going forth to a generation approaching the autumn of life to stay in the race for the kingdom of God. It is time to resist the temptation to “check out”. No greater opportunity than now exists for “checking in” and making provisions for the inheritance and legacy that God desires be left for future generations.

Christian Grandparenting Network believes a rich heritage
of traditions and eternal truths exist that MUST be
carefully preserved and transferred to the next generation.

Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) believes a rich heritage of traditions and eternal truths exist that MUST be carefully preserved and transferred to the next generation. Responsible grandparents and servant elders are a key to this process, but honor and respect are essential to its success. CGN desires to be part of that quest by working with older believers to restore honor and God’s intended roles for elders for the sake of our families, our churches and our nation.

What inheritance are we leaving for your children and grandchildren? No greater joy or blessing can be found than knowing that God has worked through us to build His kingdom in the next generation. It is for this that Christ died on the cross for you and me. May we be found faithful to the very end.

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  1. Avatar

    My husband and I are going to be first-time grandparents in a few months. We are excited about this new role God has given us. In seeking out Christian grandparenting resources, I came upon your site. I look forward to visiting regularly.


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Cavin Harper

Cavin Harper